Sunday, January 2, 2011


 The "Pretend you've got something in your eye" method

The "Cover-up" method
The "Half Cover" method

 The two-fists mode with eyes showing

The two-fists mode with eyes covered

The back hand swipe - one eye open

The backhand swipe, pretending it was nothing

Crossover swipe - right hand wiping left cheek

The heel of the hand swipe

 The one-finger tip approach

The one finger tip approach with skin pull

 The two-finger tip approach with eyes open

The two-fingertip approach with eyes closed

The middle-finger approach with other fingers raised

The ring-finger approach with other fingers raised

The four-finger approach

The one finger salute maneuver

 The four-finger approach - or is it two?

 Ah, the two-finger approach with mouth open

  The knuckle technique

The "Use what's available" strategy (in this case a red dinner napkin)

The folded handkerchief strategy with one eye open

The folded hankie technique with eyes closed

The "Oops, I'm crying through my nose" act

The short-sleeve method

The shirt collar maneuver


  1. I just jumped over from Gigi's blog. I had to see David's photo. This is hilarious. Hmmm... maybe that's not the right word. I mean... interesting!

  2. Yeah, ditto Kay's comment.

  3. Thanks for checking out David and this funky blog. Feel free to send me pictures of any guys you have in your lives who are willing to demonstrate how they wipe away their tears.
